
(716) 685-2544, ext 212


(716) 685-9103


10:30 am - 2:00 pm


COVID 19 Updates

Health Office Information 

The Health office is staffed by a Registered Professional Nurse daily from the hours of 9:30-1:30.
The Health Office phone number is (716) 685-2544 ext . 212. School fax is (716) 685-9103. 



NYS Law requires that all new students and students in grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, and 7 have a medical evaluation by a physician. A current physical exam is one that has been completed within 12 months of the start of the school year and is due by  October 1, 2021. If a current physical is not provided by this date or for any reason you are unable to see your own private physician a physical can be done by our school physician and will be scheduled.  Current physicals are also required for participation in sports and must be handed in prior to the start of the season. Students who do not provide a physical will not be permitted to play. No exceptions. 



All students must have the proper NYS Mandated Immunizations prior to starting the school year.  A copy of your child’s immunizations is required at the time of registration.  Please contact me or your physician if you have any questions. 



Must be brought to the health office by the parent/guardian (unless a specific self-carry/self-administration form is completed).  All medications, including prescription and OTC meds such as Tylenol/Motrin/Cough drops, must have written doctor’s orders and signed parental medication consent form in order to dispense medication to your child while at school.

Health questionnaire emergency form: Every student is required to have this form completed and kept on file in the health office.


Phys Ed notes

If your child can not participate in PE for any reason, they must turn in a note to the nurse.  A parent may excuse a child from PE 3 times throughout the year; otherwise, the note must be from a physician.  If the child is not participating in PE, they will also be automatically excused from participation in any sport and lunch recess time.  If your child is coming to school with any broken bone, cast, sling, ace bandage, etc. please let me know ahead of time so any accommodations can be made if necessary.


During the school year, NYS mandated screenings will be completed. Vision and Hearing screening is mandated for all new registrants and students in grades K,1 ,3, 5, and 7th. Scoliosis screening is required for girls in grades 5th and 7th and boys in grade 9. Parents/Guardians will be notified of any deficits. 

Please inform the nurse if your child has any special health care needs and/or any medical conditions. (Allergies, Diabetes, Asthma, etc. ) 

If your child is sent home from school due to a fever over 100.4, please be aware that your child needs to be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication prior to returning to school.  Your child will also be sent home if they have any vomiting or diarrhea.  Only those on the emergency form may pick up a child. 

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year please don’t hesitate to contact me at the number provided above or email me at [email protected]. Communication is very important in keeping our students safe.  

Thank you!
Heidi Indelicato RN/BSN


Flu Information from New York State   Important Information Regarding Flu